media monarchy episode245
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- Publication date
- 2011-12-30
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- CC0 1.0 Universal
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- alternative news, cyber/space\war, food world order, holy hexes, media monarchy, mp3, podcast, portland, pra, revere radio, zero point radio,
- Item Size
- 346.9M

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media monarchy:
episode245 - december 30, 2011 | | | | | | | | |
the marvelettes 'danger! heartbreak dead ahead' (audio)
new world next week: episode097 - new world next year 2011/2012
Stories of 2011:
US Agencies Trying to Outlaw GMO Food Labeling
Non-GMO Project
The Codex, Fluoride, Auschwitz, Monsanto Connection
Nuclear Meltdown at Fukushima Plant
Japanese scientist: Fukushima meltdown occurred within hours of quake
Honorable Mentions:
John P. Wheeler, CFR/Mitre Insider, Found Dead In Delaware Landfill
While You Were Distracted by Osama's Corpse, Fukushima Disaster Continues
Trends for 2012:
Weather Report: Project Bluebeam In The Air?
Werner Von Braun and the Hoaxed Alien Invasion
Massive Solar Storm 'Could Knock Out Radio Signals' Over Next Three Days
Be a HERO and Help STOP SOPA Now!!
ICE seizes domains
Honorable Mention:
2012 - Things That Will Happen
ground zero: ghosts of the past, year of the dragon
dr. louis turi's predictions for 2012
ghosts of the past, present & future
2012: the year of the dragon
a.d. 2012: alea iacta est
temporal tweakers: the times they are a-changin'
krampuslauf: come celebrate the ground zero winter festivus on dec29
oil trades near six-week high on iran threat to crude transport
video: more iran sanctions could mean less oil (audio)
US continues to arm iran's neighbors
obama team weighs visa for yemen leader
cornell chosen to build science school in nyc
stroke of geniuses: cornell uni & technion-israel institute of technology
queen visits prince philip in hospital
sears to close 100-120 stores after poor holiday sales
turnaround at sears might be too late
video: sears closing some stores (audio)
econocrash updates:
US firms see europe woes as opportunities
the biggest ceo screwups of 2011
obama nation: even more debt & even more store closings
media/memes: a year of disappointment for hollywood
video: movie ticket sales hit 16yr low in 2011 (audio)
related media/memes updates:
time magazine's favorite cultural moments of 2011
'bambi,' 'forrest gump' added to national film registry
lynn samuels, radio talk show host, dies at 69
video: in japan, no dispute about no. 1 holiday song (audio)
12/29 newspurge: danger! heartbreak dead ahead
9/11 updates:
'extremely loud & incredibly close' could cause flashbacks
'all-american muslim' to deal with 9/11
deadline approaching for pending 9/11 lawsuits
tourists add 9/11 memorial to nyc itinerary
nyc mayor says work on 9/11 museum has stalled
14,000 US deaths tied to fukushima fallout
report assails japan response to fukushima
radioactive pollution in athens, greece from fukushima
french insurance to file criminal complaint on breast implants
debate persists on deadly flu made airborne
new powerful painkiller zohydro has experts worried
painkiller 10x stronger than vicodin worries addiction experts
special report: federal forces sully mexico's war on drugs
video: ron paul in 1988 - drug war in US has racist origins (audio)
mexico's cartels build own national radio system
sinaloa cartel ok's mexico's newest drug ballads
'kick ass': crusaders take page, and outfits, from comics
joseph villavisencio; texas a&m lineman killed in car crash
obamessiah updates:
better than obama: why the establishment is terrified of ron paul
ron paul disowns extremists' views but not the support
nytimes attacks ron paul for living in the real world
iowa gop caucus 2012: ron paul takes the lead
iowa gop moving vote-count to 'undisclosed location'
even bachmann's campaign chair wants ron paul to win
the best republican gaffes of 2011
top ten political fumbles, gaffes & scandals in 2011
political prediction for 2012: it's obama-clinton
oregon oddities:
2011 - the costume party: you didn't need a funny outfit to make news this year, but it sure helped
'portlandia live' reviewed: fred armisen & carrie brownstein take the stage at hollywood theater as portland's ambassadors to itself
oregon lineman saves man from choking at beef bowl
police state updates:
2012: world on the brink
fbi agents responsible for majority of terrorist plots in US*
some police agencies sold on sponsorship deals
ny sheriff hawks helicopter's naming rights; logo deals a rarity in filling police budget gaps
'angel thunder' in arizona: military rescue personnel experience hands-on emergency training skills
wv worry:
top ten west virginia stories of 2011
dmv to require more id proof
good samaritan claims cop brutalized him
long-time wv broadcaster garry bowers died in morgantown
video: attorney talks about coming mediation for ubb disaster
video: #satire year in review 2011 (audio)
dismemberment plan 'the ice of boston' (audio)
12/15 pop occulture: osama, occupy & more
poll: osama tops religion news for 2011
occupy 2.0? church leaders join movement
satire: 5 subtle ways to convince co-workers that you're evil
atheists embracing faith for their kids
senate action averts shutdown of US religious freedom commission
christopher hitchens dead at 62
12/29 pop occulture: in the name of god, amen
mexico expects 52m tourists in maya region in 2012
the top religion and ethics stories of 2011
top ten ignored religion stories of 2011
top 2011 religion stories that weren't
top ten horror films of 2011
beardless matisyahu still rocks hard, with dreidel mirror ball
hitchens was an atheist who believed
uk's office of communication issues regulations on occult advertising
murder/mayhem: silent night, deadly night
police find 7 dead in texas apt
update: police say texas gunman dressed as santa
40 killed in nigerian christmas day bombings
fire at ad exec's connecticut home kills 3 kids, grandparents
video: 3 kids among 5 dead in conn. house fire (audio)
charges filed in illinois christmas eve murder
update: missing ind. girl found dead, babysitter charged
say it ain't so, joe
der krampus: santa's alter ego
vigilant citizen's holiday greetings
police storm church of the nativity to break up brawling priests
video: priests and monks fight at basilica (audio)
timeline of pat sullivan meth-for-sex scandal
another victim comes forward with lawsuit against jerry sandusky
spiritual wake-up call just ahead
the walkmen 'in the new year' (audio)
12/29 #defcon: ç¥∫´®ßπåç´∑å® - 404 file or directory not found
#2012 watch: the countdown begins
how the world might end in 2012 (or maybe later)
top 10 most bizarre tech stories of 2011
ten plotlines you'll find in science fiction - over & over again
twin probes to orbit moon, study gravity field
sen. ron wyden leaps into middle of internet piracy fight
army 'red teams' test communications security
epic sues dhs over covert surveillance of facebook & twitter
video: giant solar flare slams earth, could disrupt phone & gps (audio)
scud watching from geostationary earth orbit
astronomycast revisits 1908 tunguska blast
#sopa: how to stop the 'stop online piracy act'
video: be a hero and help stop sopa now (audio)
'anonymous' hack on stratfor the first step in 'master plan'
hackers set to publish emails stolen from stratfor
video: hacking group 'anonymous', vows to hit again (audio)
popeye discusses blue force tracking system on oracle
droning on about fighting wars remotely
great chinese-iranian drone theft caper
sky at night: 1963 arthur c clarke interview
alexander the great ufo story
michelle obama helps norad break santa tracker christmas eve record
bing crosby 'let's start the new year right' (audio)
'globesization': research says market policies, fast food driving obesity
manischewitz creates kosher food for gentiles
organic fish farm is alternative to chinese imports
food needs abound all times of the year, not just holidays
arkansas food banks feel the post-holiday pressure
portland giving back on christmas: "we've seen need skyrocket this year"
the pongo fund pet food bank open on christmas
12/29 binge & purge: check, please!
gastro roundup: best food of 2011
top ten food & farm stories of 2011
the bad food news of 2011
the biotech industry is growing bioweapons
bugs may be resistant to genetically modified corn
food bill doesn't promote security
discover the doomsday seed vault's secrets
mexico rehab clinic food poisoning kills five
hunger warning for north korea
wendy's foie gras hamburger: fast food chain opens in japan with high & low-end fare
why mcdonald's failed to win over bolivia & closed its stores
cupcake deemed 'security threat,' confiscated by tsa
video: frosting too 'gel-like,' posed risk (audio)
tweets from @mediamonarchy, @pumpupthavolume & @navigatenetflix
ella fitzgerald 'what are you doing new year's eve?' (audio)
(all bed music by deceptikon, doves & twilight circus dub unless otherwise noted)
- Addeddate
- 2011-12-31 00:18:57
- External_metadata_update
- 2019-03-12T08:49:39Z
- Identifier
- MediaMonarchyEpisode245
- Run time
- 2:01:02
- Source
- Taped by
- Year
- 2011
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